August 2016 archive

Back to School

Welcome to Grade 4/5 at St. Gabriel Catholic School. I am so excited to be starting a new school year together, and I look forward to working in partnership with you to provide challenging and engaging learning experiences for your children.

We will be using this paperless method of sharing news, information, and at-home activities, so please enter your email address to the right
so that you will be alerted to new posts on the blog.

Also, here are some friendly reminders to make this a smooth transition for your child, and to help you prepare for the upcoming school year:

  • Please send a reusable water bottle to school (no single use water bottles please). These can be refilled in the classroom.
  • We are an EcoSchool, so we work very hard to reduce waste. All garbage generated from students’ lunches will be “boomeranged” back home. We suggest putting a Ziploc bag into your child’s lunch kit to gather empty yogurt cups, wrappers, etc. We do not encourage students to rinse out their “garbage” such as their yogurt containers in an effort to avoid water waste. Also, please be sure to label all reusable containers, including thermoses and water bottles.
  • Don’t forget to pack a spoon or fork if your child requires one. We don’t always have extras on hand.
  • Please return pizza forms, Lunch Lady forms and milk orders to school.
  • If you are picking up your child from school you must provide a written note which includes the time you would like your child ready. They will be called down to the office when you arrive if it is a pick up before 3:30 pm. Notes are required for any change in transportation.

Lastly, I will be sharing a Google Form link shortly that will enable you to fill out a short “Student Information” form that you may complete at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your support, and again, I am really looking forward to the school year!


Mrs. Gill




Hello parents and students!

My name is Melanie Gill, and I am so excited to be teaching Grade 4/5 this year at St. Gabriel. I look forward to displaying students’ learning journeys as they explore their world, collaborate with one another, and take on fun and engaging learning challenges.This year will be fun, engaging, and full of learning!

I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year I will communicate with you telephone calls, progress reports, report cards, Twitter, the classroom blog, and parent-teacher conferences. I encourage you to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can call me at the school, email me, and you can follow the class blog. Also please feel free to follow your child’s learning on Twitter @mrs_gills_class.

Please fill out and return the student information sheet that will be sent home Tuesday, September 6th, and return it to the school at your earliest convenience. I look forward to working with you and your child this school year.

Your partner in Catholic Education,

Melanie Gill
